Melotte invests in a new 3D metal printer manufactured by DMG Mori

Lasertec 30 DUAL SLM

As a pioneer in 3D metal printing since 2007, Melotte is proud to announce that it has recently invested in a new 3D metal printer manufactured by the company DMG Mori.

Melotte started 17 years ago with the 3D metal printing of dental protheses.Subsequently, the company has also been involved in printing frames for glasses and even jewelry. Nowadays, Melotte mainly focuses on the 3D printing of industrial parts, such as flow reactors, filter components, machine parts, etc. 

At Melotte, we combine 3D metal printing with milling, turning, electro-erosion, and grinding, in order to reach the required tolerances and the final desired look. Melotte can assist you from project definition to the design and optimization of your CAD models all the way through to the successful implementation of 3D metal printing in your value chain.

The new 3D metal printer is a Lasertec 30 dual SLM manufactured by the company DMG Mori that is equipped with two 600-W fiber lasers. The build volume of the 3D metal printer is 300 mm x 300 mm x 350 mm. 

If you have any questions regarding this new printer, please feel free to contact our team.